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Rails patching Wednesday

Past weeks were busy for Ruby on Rails core team and appsec people looking at the framework’s security. Yesterday, core rails member Aaron Patterson announced three Ruby on Rails security...

How to wrap a long text to fit your terminal width in ruby

Today I was working over a new tabular output for Codesake::Dawn and I faced a problem. Vulnerabilities have a very long description that breaks all formatting resulting in something unreadable....

Every bug has a sad, sad song

It was a busy month. Web sites out there are still attacked by villains and the first Codesake::Dawn major release was out this week. That’s because I didn’t post anything...

Updates from the Ruby security world: 6 new vulnerabilities as X'mas gift

Wow, last week it was very busy in the ruby security annonuncement discussion group. A bunch of six new vulnerabilities were announced and, most of them, are cross site scripting...

Ruby and omniauth-facebook gem security issues this week

A couple of days ago, on Italian Ruby mailing list, Paolo Montrasio reported two security issues occured in the ruby world.

Let the sake for code to flow

UPDATE For a mistake this post appeared today on without the text. Reason is that I created a placeholder to remember me to work on this.