All Stories

Getting root: Matrix

It was last year when I received the email saying I passed the Penetration testing with Kali Linux course and eventually I became an OSCP guy.

How to calculate your network address in CIDR notation

Sometime I need to quick nmap the network just right cable plug. Since I’m lazy I created a simple bash script to calculate the network address in CIDR notation, starting...

The shellerate project: yet another framework for shellcode generation

Last summer, as I told on Codice Insicuro, my Italian blog about cybersecurity and related, I took the x86 Assembly Language and Shellcoding on Linux course and related certification.

A Cracking the Perimeter journey: 1 - My Own lab

During those days I’m spending in the mountains with my family, I’m studying module 3 and 4 about backdooring executable with custom payloads and avoiding anti-viruses based on signature detection....

A Cracking the Perimeter journey: 0 - the beginning

In 2018 I refreshed my offensive security skills, attending the “Penetration test with Kali” course with the OSCP certification.

Hello world... again

It was 2014 when I wrote the latest post on It was about Ruby patching Wednesday and tons of stuff changed in my life.