A blog talking about offensive and defensive security and how to craft software in a secure way
thesp0ngeFollowOSCP guy. I break code and rebuild it with security in mind, taekwon-do, husband, dad. Chaotic good drow ranger. I blog @codiceinsicuro and @the_armoredcode.
Create your own telemetry system
In order to monitor dawnscanner security scaner
usage, I introduced in upcoming version
2.0.0, a
telemetry system.
On boot, dawnscanner will check if it has a unique identifier and if not it
will ask for one to the telemetry system.
Id is an
class for the identifier model.
The initialization part happens in the
The real magic is in the
class. Here we’ve got a telemetry method that do all the stuff.
The basic idea is to do a post on a URL posting the unique dawnscanner
identifier (that is also the URL where the post is made), the IP address and
the knowledge base version.
That’s it. No personal data apart from your IP is sent to dawnscanner servers.
On backend side, I implemented a simple Sinatra post catcher block of code,
saving the data on a SQLite3 database.
This very basic telemetry system needs tons of improvements and, of course,
it’s opensource code hosted on