Use the Nexpose API to automate report generation and download

In a previous post I talked about Rapid7 Nexpose) vulnerability assessment tool and how you can write some ruby code to search a server by IP address.

Today I want to show you something I added to a rubygem I’m working on, nexty. The idea is to give a command line alternative to some GUI tasks if you need fresh data you want to grep, plot or whatever.

Something you can’t play well with the GUI: reports

Nexpose is good and I’m pretty happy using it. However the web GUI reporting functionality doesn’t satisfy me that much.

To fulfil my goals, I created a report template with the information I need to estract and I created a scheduled report using that template to create a CSV file every month.

I observed that:

  • it seems report template information was lost during the time, so my scheduled report will generated with a basic default template after a successful save;
  • if I add a Nexpose site I have to manually add to the report information. This manual task is something annoying that it can bring to errors and so on. I need to automate the whole process.

Nexty::Report API

This time I don’t cook any raw request using API documentation. I’ll create an API on top to Nexpose native APIs.

If you look bin/nexty ruby command line utility in the nexty repository, you’ll find there is a ‘–report’ command line flag that it will generate a report from a list of Nexpose sites.

``` ruby nexty binary command … when ‘–report’ fn = Nexty::Report.generate_from_a_list_of_sites(arg, nsc) puts “Report saved: #{fn}”.color(:white) …

The idea is to extract all Nexpose sites, saving them in a text file and then
use them to fill our report.

``` ruby Nexty::Report.generate_from_a_list_of_sites
def self.generate_from_a_list_of_sites(site_list=nil, nsc)
  s = []
  sites.each do |site|
    s << nsc.find_site_by_name(site) 
  result = Nexty::Report.generate(nsc, s, {:template=>"my-default-template", :format=>'csv', :filename=>nil, :scan_to_include=>4})[:url], result[:filename], nsc)

The Nexty::Report.generate is the routing handling all the dirty job. It creates a report using a given template (a fruther improvement it will be letting the user to specify this using a flag) loading a number of scans in the scan history for all the sites loaded from the list.

``` ruby Nexty::Report.generate def self.generate(nsc, list, options={:template=>’’, :filename=> ‘’, :format=>”csv”, :scan_to_include=>1})

options[:filename] = “export_#{“%Y%m%d%H%M%s”)}.csv” if options[:filename].nil? or options[:filename].empty? report = report.set_name(options[:filename]) report.set_template_id(options[:template]) report.set_format(options[:format])

list.each do |item| site_config = site_config.getSiteConfig(nsc, item[:site_id]) scan_history = nsc.site_scan_history(item[:site_id]) scan_history.sort! { |a,b| b[:start_time] <=> a[:start_time]} scan_history.take(options[:scan_to_include]).each do |scan| report.addFilter(‘scan’, scan[:scan_id]) end end


url = nil while not url url = nsc.report_last(report.config_id) select(nil, nil, nil, 10) end



As return value, the method prompts back the absolute URL you can grab the copy
of your report using either a browser or our gem with the --download option.

``` ruby
def, filename, nsc)
  return nil if url.nil? or url.empty?
  uri = URI.parse(url)
  http =, uri.port)
  http.use_ssl = true
  http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE # XXX: security issue
  headers = {'Cookie' => "nexposeCCSessionID=#{nsc.session_id}"}
  resp = http.get(uri.path, headers)

  file =, "w")


I excluded SSL certificate check so, I introduced a potentially security issue here. You may want to implement a full SSL certificate check to avoid man in the middle attacks.

Off by one

Extending a commercial tool with custom ruby code it is great. It gives me a lot of freedom in terms of automating my daily job tasks.

Nexty can be improved in a lot of ways, and I will implement the Nexpose API following their PDF documentation improving functionality and tests further more.

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