Untold: Owasp Orizon is died and I'm sad of it

In 2006 I started an ambitious project, an opensource SAST engine built in Java I called Owasp Orizon.

Of course the name was intended to be horizon but I mispelled the word and I found silly to cover my lexical mistake.

After 3 years without no fresh code, I think the project can be considered closed, also if some people seem to be interested into it.

It was yesterday and I found two emails about Owasp Orizon in my owasp.org account. In a first email an American guy asked how he can help me in improving the tool and in a second email a guy from I guess Asia region asked about milk a java interface for orizon I wrote in 2006.

True to be told Milk is even more abandoned than Orizon. When I answered the latter about he should use orizon instead, he said that even this one seems not to be updated since 2009.

The fact is that I had no fresh energy to put in this project anymore. I switched my programming interest from Java to Ruby and I’m working on sake now that it will become an hybrid security testing tool and the engine of an application security startup, codesake.

The concept

The first idea I had in mind when I designed Owasp Orizon was to translate the source code under security review in an intermediate XML representation and making security checks over it.

If you make your security engine to work on an XML syntax, supporting a new programming language is just writing a translator to that XML representation. Of course you will add some specific security check to the knowledge base.

This approach makes sense to me even today but it doesn’t work (or at least I wasn’t able to implement it in a working way).

Translating from different languages to a single XML syntax makes a lot of specific language expression power to be lost.

Java has a very complex subclassing mechanism. There are interfaces that they can be used to design a common API interface in example, there are abstract classes, there are the common hierarchy system in which a class can extend one or more classes.

Ruby has a completely different approach to modularity. Translating the twos in a common XML will result in a hard to read XML node full of options, attributes and so on.

The boost

We were in 2008. I got married and Owasp Orizon has one of its most prolific moment. I had the opportunity to fly in New York city for Owasp AppSec 2008 telling the world about the piece of code I was writing.

Feedbacks were good and I had two job opportunities today I regret I declined.

The fall

But in 2009 I had some harsh emails from a guy contributing to the project saying I wasn’t able to listen and to attract people.

A lot of people, from Italy I had to be honest, came here and say “I want to help” and after some mail they disappeared. Eventually I discovered they used Owasp Orizon as self-promoting during consultancy presales.

I loose motivation and energy. The code was ugly and writing an antlr parser instead of XML translation was really hard, we eventually moved to freecc but it doesn’t last.

Owasp Orizon source code was not updated anymore and you can imagine the whole story.

Something I learnt

Being part of Owasp Orizon project was inspiring and I learnt a lot both in terms of coding than in terms of community.

I traveled a lot and I started taking public speeches.

I enjoyed being part of Owasp.

But it’s time to move on. It’s time to improve and become bigger and bigger.

Enjoy It!

Winter sea side horizon picture is by me

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