Tales from a login page: intro

During 2013 a lot of websites were defaced. Attackers mostly use SQL injection vulnerable pages to steal data, execute arbitrary commands or make some nasty things common people can’t understand

A serious but very underestimate attack entry point is the login page and the underneath authentication and authorization system.

Login page is your web application front door. Everybody in the world reaching your web site, eventually will deal with it. If you implement poor security here, your effort spent on security is useless. No secure coding or web application firewalls with tons of custom rules would help you if your authentication mechanism is poor.

SSL and a false friend

When people deal with a login has different opinions about SSL and cryptography.

For Intranet powered web applications, most of developers and sys admins I faced during my career lays on plain HTTP protocol without any form of encryption. Please bear in mind that it’s very easy to setup an internal certification authority to digitally sign SSL certificate for your organization internally deployed web sites. And… it can be be done for free using OpenSSL.

The myth of the Intranet web site is strong also these days. People think nobody in a LAN segment would eventually launch a tcpdump or friend sniffing HTTP traffic to steal internal web site credentials.

People from the inside are not legal user by definition. There are many scenarios about internally driven attacks, from people to steal VPN access to people doing WiFi cracking obtaining an IP address, to people connected to the LAN that intentionally gather credentials.

Their goals? They depend on the web application it self. For the payroll web application it can be very interesting to know other people salaries. Other web applications can disclose classified information, source code or anything it can be used in a further attack.

For Internet powered web applications I saw HTTPS enabled also on some static web sites about new startup or new technologies. In this case we can see the opposite misconception: SSL is not the panacea for web application security. People think that the closed lock in the browser address bar, it means your website is secure. Don’t. It means data is safe from being evesdropped (except from a Man in the Middle attack, but it’s another story).

For short:

  • using SSL is good to protect data confidentiality and integrity
  • it must be used either in Intranet than Internet deployed web sites
  • it doesn’t solve your application security problems

Information disclosure

Let’s say you protected your login form with a digital certificate. Let’s say also your users misspell passwords and they can’t login. To avoid frustrated users, you will warn the users about the username is correct but the password is not.

This vulnerable login page shows an error message for an existing user Tom, after an unsuccessfully login attempt.

What about if the username doesn’t exist? Should the web application warn the user about he mispelled his login name?

Of course, the right answer is not but there are tons of web site doing the opposite. They say if the username exists or not.

Let’s see from an attacker perspective. Just with some typing I can say if a user exists or not in the web application database. If that user’s password is weak and if there is not account lockout policy after some failing attempts evil guys can eventually enumerate existing users and breaking their weak password.

The idea is that your web application must be very quiet about what went wrong in authentication step. A laconic message about invalid credentials is a good choice.

The important bit is that, there is an information disclosure only if the error message is different from the non existent user to the user exists but the password is wrong. This is also true if your target doesn’t output HTML code but it’s a webservice talking JSON or XML. If the return code is just an OK, KO you don’t have information disclosure.

For short:

  • use laconic error message
  • implement a lockout policy to disable the account after a large number of logon errors in a short time.
  • force users to choose strong password to avoid the risk of bruteforce attacks

Off by one

We will discuss a lot about authentication mechanisms, in this intro post I just pointed out those two key points you may want to implement in your login page: SSL and no information disclosure.

Next times, we will talk about sessions and cookies and we will of course try to break a poor authentication system with a ruby code.

Enjoy it!

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